We document best practices, work on capacity building programs and invest in knowledge management. View our publications to learn more.



This case study in the World Resources Report, “Towards a More Equal City,” examines transformative urban change in Ahmedabad, India, by analyzing the land pooling and readjustment mechanism called Town Planning Scheme (TPS). This paper reviews the evidence on whether the TPS mechanism has enabled transformative change with equitable outcomes in Ahmedabad City—and if so, how.


  • Rapidly urbanizing Indian cities need mechanisms to ensure that land is acquired, planned, and serviced with adequate infrastructure and social amenities, to prevent the occurrence of haphazard urban expansion and under-provisioned inner-city areas.
  • Such mechanisms should help government agencies recover their costs through land value capture, a method by which agencies recover…

Rejeet Mathews


Madhav Pai


Tintu Sebastian

, Souhardhya Chakraborty Jul 2018

Encouraging Design Practices for Sustainable Mobility in Indian Townships: A Guidebook, is WRI India’s publication that highlights the role of urban design interventions that can be applied in townships or gated communities in cities, that promote the use of sustainable modes such as walking, cycling and public transit. Recognizing the sprawling patterns of development being witnessed in most…


Anjali Mahendra


Jaya Dhindaw


Madhav Pai

, Saritha Sudhakaran, Lakshmi Rajagopalan Apr 2017

The City of Bengaluru in the Indian state of Karnataka is making progress on rooftop solar PV installations, mainly through its utility implemented net-metering program. Yet, much more needs to be done if the state is to reach its 400 MW rooftop solar target by 2018. This working paper provides insight into how the city can further encourage prosumers to install rooftop solar PV systems.

by , Sarah Martin and Joshua Ryor May 2016

This paper examines the role the auto-rickshaw sector can play in promoting sustainable urban transport in India. It develops a policy vision for this sector and presents recommendations on reforms to address sustainability challenges.

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Madhav Pai

, Akshay Mani, Rishi Aggarwal Feb 2012

The Hub Archives

The Hub used to be our online capacity building platform, between 2000-2010, and was meant to facilitate knowledge sharing, peer learning and collaboration. Do click here to view our archived capacity building modules, publications and reports. We have since moved our capacity building to TheCityFix Learn platform – www.thecityfixlearn.org